New multiuse trail around Palominas Recharge Project open

Map showing the multi-use trail around the Palominas Recharge Project

Cochise County has announced the opening of a new, 2-mile multi-use trail around the Palominas Recharge Project.

“After months of planning and development, the trail is open to hikers, strollers, bikes and horseback riding on the county’s 285-acre recharge property. The public now has access to a safe and scenic landscape for exercise and fresh air,” Camila Rochin, county public information officer, stated in a press release.

Mark Apel, environmental projects coordinator for Cochise County, said, “We wanted to provide yet one more opportunity for the public in this area to safely recreate and learn about the county’s recharge efforts, where we’re capturing stormwater to help sustain flows in the San Pedro River.”

Read the complete Herald/Review article.


The mission of the Cochise Conservation & Recharge Network (CCRN) is to implement a regional network of land and water management projects that result in a healthy watershed, flowing San Pedro River, conservation of water resources, and a vibrant local economy.

Member Organizations

The CCRN was formed in 2015. The members are Cochise County, the City of Sierra Vista, The Nature Conservancy, Hereford Natural Resources Conservation District, the City of Bisbee, Fort Huachuca, and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.