ADWR completes San Pedro basin well sweep study

Arizona Department of Water Resources completed the San Pedro basin well sweep study, and staff hydrologists found decline of water levels in more than 77 percent of the wells tested since 2007, according to a March 10, 2021, Herald/Review article.

The study covers the San Pedro basin, which includes the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area and the towns of Sierra Vista, Huachuca City, St. David, Benson, Tombstone and Bisbee.

“This information only reinforces our need for additional support of future efforts to enhance the storage of water underground by protecting natural floodplains and drainageways and by the continued development of additional replenishment and water conservation projects,” said Holly Richter, Arizona Water Projects Director for The Nature Conservancy and CCRN member.

Read the full story here, and visit ADWR to access water level change maps.


The mission of the Cochise Conservation & Recharge Network (CCRN) is to implement a regional network of land and water management projects that result in a healthy watershed, flowing San Pedro River, conservation of water resources, and a vibrant local economy.

Member Organizations

The CCRN was formed in 2015. The members are Cochise County, the City of Sierra Vista, The Nature Conservancy, Hereford Natural Resources Conservation District, the City of Bisbee, Fort Huachuca, and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.